Monday, February 13, 2006

things I have pondered about..

..blogging about, but which none of make an interesting post...

The Doctor is back - hoorah - bearing a ginormous bar of swiss chocolate and a dark chocolate toblerone the size of a childs arm.... And has become a TV sports watcher. Just winter sports, fortunately....

I Do Not Like books by Tony Parsons. Everyone (my sister) keeps telling me how good they are, and they aren't. A bloke complaining about how hard it was for him to cheat on his perfectly normal partner/child is not comedy. And then pity is expected. Yes, humans make mistakes etc but I think we are meant to feel pity for this bloke for the fact he cannot act like a normal human being....

I have a cold. It is VERY annoying - particularly the coughing, shivering, snottiness and the whinging. Welcome home oh Doctor... Plus I really can't talk - which is a Bad Thing in terms of my job....

Can't believe the ID card vote has come around already - am against them but hadn't really got round to doing more than signing the odd online petition. I guess at least this vote is saying new legislation is needed, rather than just romping ahead but to me ID cards are wrong, wrongity wrong wrong wrong. We already have adequate ID in this country and a simply CHAMPION way of reducing terrorism is, of course, simply stopping crapping all over other countries.
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