Tuesday, November 09, 2004

That twin thing...

.... My sisters are twins - hence known as The Evil Twins. Mostly. I can't quite believe they are 25 - I'm enough older than them that I really clearly remember them being born. Evil Twins. Mostly. I can't quite believe they are 25 - I'm enough older than them that I really clearly remember them being born. Plus I remember clearly years of them saying 'Blimey - 25 is old - when we're 25 you'll be SO OLD'.
I never particularly wanted to be a twin - but I'm jealous of their superpowers. I'm still working on mine. When they were very tiny they had their own made up language. When they were five they had chickenpox between them - twin 1 got poorly, and twin 2 got spots. Seriously. And then today I heard that they had each sent birthday cards to each other saying that they looked as good as they did when they were 15.
Which isn't even true.
I finished The Doctors scarf. I think I like knitting.
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