Saturday, September 25, 2004

Books etc...

Having loved 'The Last Family in England', told from the perspective of the family dog, (anthropomorphising animals be dashed, its a great book) I'm now reading 'The Collector Collector' - by Tibor Fischer the funniest author ever and told from the perspective of a piece of pottery. Yes really. I read 'The Thought Gang' also by a few years ago and loved every page. Definitely on my best ever list. It isn't, in my frankly ill researched opinion the best constructed book, but is the book I've quoted most from after 'The Curious Incident'. Very, very funny.

On my time off I also read 'The Innocents' - Ian McEwan. Not for the faint of stomach. Have decided to give up WW2 books for the next twelve months (from the end of October as we're doing ANOTHER WW2 book for book group), and instead take up novels about South America. All suggestions welcome!
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