Thursday, June 17, 2004

Email ponderings

I've had another manic few days and am sitting in my lounge enjoying some terrible day time television and weeding my e mail. I publicise my training services on one website and since doing so have had almost not responses for training, but an enormous amount of spam. I dutifully click the 'block sender' button but I'm not sure it makes a huge amount of difference. I have a range of e mail addresses for various activities which I think does reduce spamming a bit - or at least I hope so.

I definitely get fewer e mails addressed actually to me these days. Some of that isn't half bad - the various yahoogroups I belong to are very helpful and interesting, and its nice to be reminded of gigs, theatre and so on. I also get e mailed by various charities - Oxfam, War on Want and Amnesty, if I remember rightly. I much prefer the e mails, they seem less wasteful (whether they are or not I'm not sure) and make it easier for lazy old me to respond.

My latest Oxfam missive also has lots of links including to Big Noise Music, and tells me about the new chain of Oxfam Fair Trade coffee shops - I can't wait! I sort of think Big Noise Music is a good thing - it gives 10p to Oxfam for every track you download - which suggests still 90p to over paid record company executives. I have to admit my decision is to buy ordinary CD's regularly, and have a standing order to Oxfam. It also asks me to ring my MP to protest about the lack of aid to Africa. I don't really do telephones, but that's another whole issue, or perhaps the dullest blog entry ever. Skip that one.

My latest offering from War on Want asks me to lobby the Columbian president to ensure labour rights are protected. I think labour rights are important and happily complete the form - I don't think it can hurt. I also e mailed my MP. But should I be doing more? Does this ease of doing SOMETHING stop me doing enough? I really don't know about boycotting these countries either - boycotting Burma altogether does make sense, boycotting products from Columbia might result in economic hardship for those who least need it?

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